a.pass impact study

The aim of this survey is to generate data that show the relevant impact of a.pass. It is meant for alumni and current participants, as well as people who are otherwise affiliated with or have been working at a.pass in some capacity. Our aim is to visualize the impact of a.pass in networks, institutional connections, collaborations, discourses and practices. In the beginning of 2022, the minister for education has declared to discontinue the funding for a.pass. This study will help us show the value of a.pass. The gathered data will be visualized and made public. It is important for us to know who contributed to the form, but it is possible to remove your name for publication. The questionnaire takes around 15 - 20 min to complete. All the fields are optional. For more information about the current situation please visit https://apass.be/is-this-the-end/